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Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune means that thebody’s immune system attacks the body. When alopecia areata develops, the bodyattacks its own hair follies.


A person’s genetic makeup, stress combined with other factors, triggersthis form of hair loss.


a combination of genetic and hormonal factors Causes Androgeneticalopecia. androgenetic alopecia in genetically susceptible individuals, Dihydrotestosterone(DHT) is the main hormone responsible.


Alopecia universalis is an advanced form of alopecia areata a conditionthat causes round patches of hair loss. Although the exact cause of AU isunknown. It is thought to be an autoimmune.


Complete loss of hair from the scalp occurs in Alopecia totalis.





Hair loss not only hereditary and age-related but can also be the signof medical disorder like anemia, hypothyroidism, diabetes, polycystic ovaries,stress and other.




·        ·        ·        ·        ·        ALOPECIAAREATA FACTS


·        ·        ·        ·        ·        HOMOEOCARE TREATMENT ADVANTAGES

·        ·        ·        Homoeopathydoes not treat illness rather it addresses the underlying cause of symptoms.Our advanced techniques in Homoeopathy have been tested and re-tested bysatisfied patients across the globe.

At HomoeoCARE, tailor made hair loss treatment isgiven after conducting an evolutions program to access the current state ofyour problem under expert guidance